Selected conference presentations and speeches
2023 'Energiewende kooperativ gestalten – komplexe Aushandlungsprozesse gelingen lassen', Jahrestreffen Energieberaternetz Mittelfranken, ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e. V., Dezember 12 2023, Uhrenhaus der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft, Nürnberg, Germany
2023 'Energetische Sanierung kooperativ gestalten – Miteinander verhandeln und die bestmögliche Lösung für alle erreichen', ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e. V., November 23 2023, online via Zoom
2021 'IBA in München: Zeitgemäße Partizipation - Ein Vergleich der Planungspolitiken von London und Baden-Württemberg', Deutscher Werkbund Bayern e. V., November 15 2021, online via Zoom
2018 'Accessing social housing through S106 agreements in London’s tall building planning', contribution to the workshop 'New financial models for housing delivery', joint Just Space/UCL conference 'Re-financing London’s Future: Building collective knowledge on alternatives to housing and transport infrastructure delivery', University College London, November 30 2018, London, UK
2018 Keynote 'Planungspolitik beeinflussen: Effektives Handeln am Beispiel von Expertenkonflikten in der Londoner Hochhausplanung'. Stadt für alle: Festival für Stadtentwicklung von Unten, Urban Lab gUG, 14 May, Nürnberg, Germany
2017 'Rescuing Consensus: Sociation in a Postpolitical Condition'. AESOP 2017 Conference: Spaces of dialog for places of dignity: Fostering the European dimension of planning, University of Lisbon, 11-14 July, Lisbon, Portugal
2016 'Embracing conflict: extending the analytical frame of conflict planning' AESOP, RMIT
conference: Moving beyond conflict in planning, towards a critical consensus
politics?: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Barcelona, 16.-17. June 2016
2013 'Tall Buildings and the Historic Urban Landscape: The LVMF method for visual assessment
in central London'. Heritage, Cities & Sustainable Development: The France Stanford Center for
Interdisciplinary Studies, University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Paris, May 30-31 2013
2012 'Conflict resolution in the management of visual impacts of tall buildings in central London
since 2000': Interdependencies between issues of interest representation, expertise and
propriety'. Communication & Planning: Annual Meeting of the AESOP YA School of Real Estate
and Planning, University of Reading, April 18-19 2012
2010 'Tall Buildings in Central London: Eine Soziologische Untersuchung der Regulierung von
Sichtachsen in Stadtplanung, Städtebau und Architektur'. Hochschule Regensburg University of
Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Architektur, Germany, May 20 2010
2010 'Tall Building policy in Central London' Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
(CTBUH), Research, Academic & Postgraduate Working Group, First Meeting, IUAV University
of Venice, June 17-18 2010
2008 'Co-producing policies, visual representations and negotiations of tall buildings'. Paper
presented at: Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference
of the Design History Society (UK), University College Falmouth, September 3-6 2008
2008 'Legitimisation and illegitimacy in negotiations about tall buildings in central London'. Paper
presented at: Writing Cities: MIT-LSE-Harvard Graduate Student Conference, Boston, MA,
April 23-24 2008
2008 'Negotiating tall buildings in London'. Paper presented at: Fulbright Academyof Science
&Technology 2008 Annual Conference: Energy & Innovation,Boston, MA, February 14-17 2008
2007 'Experiencing Past Present and Future of Places Virtually', paper presented at the 4th
Annual Student Symposium; Architectural Humanities Research Association, School of
Architecture and Visual Arts, University of East London, 21 September 2007
Published essays and chapters
2013 Book Review: Bandarin, F.; Van Oers, R. (2012) The Historic Urban Landscape: Managing
Heritage in an Urban Century, Wiley, Blackwell, Chichester, Heritage & Society, 6 (1)
2012 'Tall building policy making and implementation in central London: Visual impacts on
regionally protected views from 2000 to 2008'. (Ph.D. thesis) London: London School of
Economics and Political Science
2012 'Conflict resolution in the face of mutually exclusive positions: Visual impacts of tall buildings
on regionally protected views in central London'. Event paper, AESOP YA
2009 'Co-producing policies, visual representations and negotiations of tall buildings'. in
Hackney, F.; Glynne, J.; Minton, V. (Eds.), Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual
International Conference of the Design History Society (UK) University College Falmouth, 3-6
September (pp. 175-182). Boca Raton: Universal Publishers
2003 'Identität der Stadträume im Wandel' in Friz: Hochschulmagazin für Regensburg, Ausgabe
01/2003 (pp. 2-6)